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read Night Shift online free by Stephen King
GRAVEYARD SHIFT Two A.M., Friday. Hall was sitting on the bench by the elevator, the only place on the third floor where a working joe could catch a smoke, when Warwick came up. He wasn't happy to see Warwick. The foreman wasn't Stephen King - Night Shift - Graveyard Shift. night shift Download night shift or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get night shift book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. CONCLUSION Night-shift workers may be at an increased risk for health problems related to the lack of sufficient sleep, obesity, familial stresses, and general increased risk of health-related effects. Because a significant proportion of nursing staff works the night shift greater than workers in any other industry, this issue is significant.

Night shift pdf download
The house is empty as I write this; a cold February rain is falling outside. It's night. Sometimes when the wind blows the way it's blowing now, we lose the power. But for now it's on, and so let's talk very honestly about fear. Let's talk very rationally about moving to the rim of madness.
My name is Stephen King. I am a grown man with a wife and three children. I love them, and I believe that the feeling is reciprocated. My job is writing, night shift pdf download, and it's a job I like very much. The stories - Carrie, 'Salem's Lot, and The Shining - have been successful night shift pdf download to allow me to write full-time, night shift pdf download, which is an agreeable thing to be able to do.
At this point in my life I seem to be reasonably healthy. In the last year I have been able to reduce my cigarette habit from the unfiltered brand I had smoked since I was eighteen to a low nicotine and tar brand, and I still hope to be able to quit completely. My family and I live in a pleasant house beside a relatively unpolluted lake in Maine; last fall Night shift pdf download awoke one morning and saw a deer standing on the back lawn by the picnic table.
We have a good life. We won't raise our voices and we won't scream; we'll talk rationally, you and Night shift pdf download. We'll talk about the way the good fabric of things sometimes has a way of unravelling with shocking suddenness. At night, when I go to bed, I still am at pains to be sure that my legs are under the blanket after the lights go out. I'm not a child any more but.
I don't like to sleep with one leg sticking out. Because if a cool hand ever reached out from under the bed and grasped my ankle, Night shift pdf download might scream.
Yes, I might scream to wake the dead. That sort of thing doesn't happen, of course, and we all know that. In the stories that follow you will encounter all manner of night creatures; vampires, demon lovers, a thing that lives in the closet, all sorts of other terrors. None of them are real. The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful night shift pdf download keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.
Sometimes I speak before groups of people who are interested in writing or in literature, night shift pdf download, and before the question-and-answer period is over, someone always rises and asks this question: Why do you choose to write about such gruesome subjects? Writing is a catch-as-catch-can sort of Occupation. All of us seem to come equipped with filters on the floors of our minds, and all the filters having differing sizes and meshes. What catches in my filter may run right through yours.
What catches in yours may pass through mine, no sweat. All night shift pdf download us seem to have a built-in obligation to sift through the sludge that gets caught in our respective mind-filters, and what we find there usually develops into some sort of sideline. The accountant may also be a photographer. The astronomer may collect coins. The schoolteacher may do gravestone rubbings in charcoal. The sludge caught in the mind's filter, the stuff that refuses to go through, frequently becomes each person's private obsession.
In civilized society we have an unspoken agreement to call our obsessions 'hobbies. Sometimes the hobby can become a full-time job. The accountant may discover that he can make enough money to support his family taking pictures; the schoolteacher may become enough of an expert on grave rubbings to go on the lecture circuit.
And there are some professions which begin as hobbies and remain hobbies even after the practitioner is able to earn his living by pursuing his hobby; but because night shift pdf download is such a bumpy, comon-sounding little word, we also have an unspoken agreement that we will call our professional hobbies 'the arts. The playing of a musical instrument. Enough books have been written on these seven subjects alone to sink a fleet of luxury liners.
And the only thing we seem to be able to agree upon about them is this: that those who practise these night shift pdf download honestly would continue to practise them even if they were not paid for their efforts; even if their efforts night shift pdf download criticized or even reviled; even on pain of imprisonment or death. To me, that seems to be a pretty fair definition of obsessional behaviour. Similarly, night shift pdf download, if coin collecting were outlawed tomorrow, the astronomer very likely wouldn't turn in his steel pennies and buffalo nickels; he'd wrap them carefully in plastic, sink them to the bottom of his toilet tank, and gloat over them after midnight.
We seem to be wandering away from the subject of fear, but we really haven't wandered very far, night shift pdf download. The sludge that catches in the mesh of my drain is often the stuff of fear.
My obsession is with night shift pdf download macabre. I didn't write any of the stories which follow for money, although some of them were sold to magazines before they appeared here and I never once returned a cheque uncashed. I may be obsessional but I'm not crazy. Yet I repeat: I didn't write them for money; I wrote them because it occurred to me to write them. I have a marketable obsession, night shift pdf download.
There are madmen and madwomen in padded cells the world over who are not SO lucky. I am not a great artist, but I have always felt impelled to write. So each day I sift the sludge anew, going through the cast-off bits and pieces of observation, of memory, of speculation, trying to make something out of the stuff that didn't go through the filter and down the drain into the subconscious. Louis L'Amour, the Western writer, and I might both stand at the edge of a small pond in Colorado, and we both might have an idea at exactly the same time.
We might both feel the urge to sit down and try to work it out in words. His story might be about water rights in a dry season, my story would more likely be about some dreadful, hulking thing rising out of the still waters to carry off sheep. Louis L'Amour's 'obsession' centres on the history of the Amen-can West; I tend more towards things that slither by starlight.
He writes Westerns; I write fearsomes. We're both a little bit nuts. The arts are obsessional, and obsession is dangerous. It's like a knife in the mind.
In some cases - Dylan Thomas comes to mind, and Ross Lockridge and Hart Craine and Sylvia Plath - the knife can turn savagely upon the person wielding it, night shift pdf download. Art is a localized illness, usually benign -creative people tend to live a long time - sometimes terribly malignant.
You use the knife carefully, night shift pdf download, because you know it doesn't care who it cuts. And if you are wise you sift the sludge carefully. After the why do you write that stuff question has been disposed of, night shift pdf download, the companion question comes up: Why do people read that stuff? What makes it sell? This question carries a hidden assumption with it, and the assumption is that the story about fear, night shift pdf download, the story about horror, is an unhealthy taste.
I think the key to this may lie in a line of movie criticism from Newsweek magazine, night shift pdf download. The review was of a horror film, not a very good one, and it went something like this:'. The Night of the Living Dead, night shift pdf download, with its gruesome scenes of human Cannibalism and matricide, was certainly a film for people who like to slow down and look at car accidents; and how about that little girl puking pea soup all over the priest in The Exorcist?
Bram Stoker's Dracula, often a basis of comparison for the modern horror story as it should be; it is the first with unabashedly psycho-Freudian overtonesfeatures a maniac named Renfeld who gobbles flies, spiders, and finally a bird.
He regurgitates the bird, having eaten it feathers and all. The novel also features the impalement - the ritual penetration, one could say - of a young and lovely female vampire and the murder of a baby and the baby's mother. The great literature of the supernatural often contains the same 'let's slow down and look at the accident' syndrome: Beowulf slaughtering Grendel's mother; the narrator of 'The Tell-Tale Heart' dismembering his cataract-stricken benefactor and putting the pieces under the floorboards; the Hobbit Sam's grim battle with Shelob the spider in the final book of Tolkien's Rings trilogy.
There will be some who will object strenuously to this line of thought, saying that Henry James is not showing us a car accident in The Turn of the Screw; they will claim that Nathaniel Hawthorne's stories of the macabre, such as 'Young Goodman Brown' and 'The Minister's Black Veil', are also rather more tasteful than Dracula. It's a nonsensical idea, night shift pdf download. They are still showing us the car accident; the bodies have been removed but we can still see the twisted wreckage and observe the blood on the upholstery.
In some ways the delicacy, the lack of melodrama, the low and studied tone of rationality that pervades a story like 'The Minister's Black Veil' is even more terrible than Lovecraft's batrachian monstrosities or the auto-da-fe of Poe's 'The Pit and night shift pdf download Pendulum'.
The fact is - and most of us know this in our hearts - that very few of us can forgo an uneasy peek at the wreckage bracketed by police cars and road flares on the turnpike at night. Senior citizens pick up the paper in the morning and immediately turn to the obituary column so they can see who they outlived.
All of us are uneasily transfixed for a moment when we hear that a Dan Blocker has died, a Freddy Prinze, a Janis Joplin. We feel terror mixed with an odd sort of glee when we hear Paul Harvey on the radio telling us that a woman walked into a propeller blade during a rain squall at a small country airport or that a man in a giant industrial blender was vaporized immediately when a co-worker stumbled against the controls. No need to belabour the obvious; life is full of horrors small and large, but because the small ones are the ones we can comprehend, they are the ones that smack home with all the force of mortality.
Our interest in these pocket horrors is undeniable, night shift pdf download, but so is our own revulsion. The two of them mix uneasily, and the by-product of the mix seems to be guilt. It is not my business to tell you not to feel guilty, any more than it is my business to justify my novels or the short stories which follow.
But an interesting parallel between sex and fear can be observed. As we become capable of having sexual relationships, our interest in those relationships awakens; the interest, unless perverted some-how, tends naturally towards copulation and the continuance of the species, night shift pdf download.
As we become aware unavoidable termination, we become aware of the fear-emotion. And Night shift pdf download think that, as copulation tends towards self-preservation, all fear tends towards a comprehension of the final ending. There is an old fable about seven blind men who grabbed seven different parts of an elephant.
One of them thought he had a snake, one of them thought he had a giant palm leaf, one of them thought he was touching a stone pillar. When they got together, night shift pdf download, they decided they had an elephant.
Fear is the emotion that makes us blind. How many things are we afraid of? We're afraid to turn off the lights when our hands are wet.
OVERWERK - Night Shift
, time: 5:42Night shift pdf download

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