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May 21,  · 6. 6. P The fol low ing sho w s t he situat ion. If we thi nk abo ut mu lti plex ing as m any-to- one and d e mu lti plexi ng as one-to-man y, we hav e dem ult ipl ex ing at t he sou rce nod. Data Communication_and_networking_by_ blogger.coman - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. Data Communication And Networking 5th Edition By Behrouz - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily.

data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download

Data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download

Questions Q2 To make the communication bidirectional, each layer needs to be able to provide two opposite tasks, one in each direction. Q2 The identical objects are the two messages: one se nt and one received. At th e ap plicat ion l a yer, the un it of d a ta is a message. At th e n e twork layer, t he uni t of data is a d ata gram.

A frame is a link-layer data unit. It encapsulates a data unit coming from the netw ork l a yer. A user datagram is a transp ort-layer da ta unit.

It decapsulates a data unit going to the application layer. In this case, the data unit is a message. The data uni t sh oul d b e lon g to layer 4. In t his case, it is a u ser datagram. The transport-layer packet needs to in clud e tw o port n um bers: source an d des- tin atio n po rt n um bers.

The transport-laye r header needs to be at least 32 bits f our b y t e s lo ngb u t we will see i n Chapter 2 4 that t h e h e ad er si ze is no r- mally much longer because we need to include other pieces of information.

At the appl icati on layer, we normal ly use a n a me to defi ne t he d e stinat ion - computer name and the name of the f ile we need to access.

An example is something somewhere. At the network data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download, we use two logical addresses source and destination to define the source an d d e stinat ion computers. These addresse s are unique uni versal ly. At t he data-link layer, w e u se tw o lin k-l a yer add resses source an d destin a- tion to define the so urce and dest inati on con nectio ns t o the lin k.

The answer is no. It only means that each of the transport-layer p rot ocols su ch as TCP or UDP can carry a packet from an y app licati on- layer pro t o c o l that n e eds it s servi c e, data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download.

Ho wever, a tr an spor t-l a y e r packet can carry one, and on ly on e, pack et from an appli catio n-l a yer prot ocol. We do not need a link-layer sw itch because the communication in this case is au to ma ti call y on e- to -o ne. A link-layer switch is needed when we need to chang e a one-to-m a ny com mun icati on to a one-to-one. We do not need a router in this case because a router is needed when there is mo re t han one p a th between th e two ho st s; th e ro uter is responsi ble for choo s- ing the best path at each moment.

Layer 1 takes the ci phertext fro m l ay e r 2, in serts en capsulat es it i n an envel ope and sends it. Layer 1 receives the mail, removes decap sulates the ciphertext from the envel ope and del ivers it t o layer 2. The se rvices provided in part a and part b are the opposite of each data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download. Layer 2 takes the plai ntex t fro m layer 3encrypts it, and deli vers it to lay er 1.

Layer 2 takes th e ciph ertex t from la yer 1, decrypt s i t, and d e livers it t o layer 3. In 10 years, t he n um ber of hos ts becomes about si x times 1. Thi s m eans the nu mber of ho sts co nnected t o the Internet is mo re than t hree bi lli on.

The system tran smit s bytes for a byt e message. The advantage of using large packets is less overhead. When using large pack- ets, the number of packets to be se nt for a huge file beco mes small. Since we are adding three headers to each pack etwe are sending fewer extra bytes than in the case in whic h the number of pac k ets is la rg e.

The disadva ntage manifests itself when a packet is lost or co rru pted du rin g the tran sm issio n; we need to resen d a large amo unt of data. The netwo rk la yer is respon sible for ro ute determ inati on. The physical layer i s th e onl y l a yer that is co nnected to th e transmi ssio n med ia. The appl icat ion la yer provi des services for the end users.

User datagrams are created at the tran sport laye r. The da ta-lin k layer is responsible for handling frames between adjacent nod es. The physical layer is respo nsibl e for tran sformi ng bi ts to elect rom a gn et ic signals. There data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download be an upper- layer identifier in the header of th e IP p ro tocol t o defi ne to which u pper- layer prot ocol t h e encapsul a t e d packet b e long s.

The iden tifier i s call ed t he protoco l fiel d See Figu re The fol low ing sho w s t he situat ion. If we thi nk abo ut mu lti plex ing as m any-to- one and d e mu lti plexi ng as one-to-man y, we hav e dem ult ipl ex ing at t he sou rce nod e an d mul tip lexi ng at the desti natio n nod e in t he datalink l a yer.

Howev e r, some pu ri st s call th ese two inverse m ult ipl exing and inverse demultiplexing. P 0. Every time any packet at data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download layer is encapsulated inside another packet at the same layer, we can t hin k o f this as a n e w l a yer bein g ad ded under t hat layer.

The fol lowi ng show s th e n e w su ite. P 2, data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download. The foll owi ng shows the posit ion of t he p resent at ion lay e r.

The new layer i s at the sam e posit ion as th e p resent a tion layer in th e OSI mo del if we ig nore the sessi on data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download. P 3. The on ly t w o layers that need t o be changed are t he dat a -li nk layer and the phy sical layer, data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download.

The n e w hard ware and soft ware need to b e i nstall ed i n all host, ro uters, and l ink data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download er swit ches, data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download.

A s l ong as th e new dat a -li nk lay e r can encap - sulat e and d e cap s ulate d a tagrams from th e netw ork layer, there is no need t o change any protocol in data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download upper three la yers.

This is one of the characteristics of t h e p ro tocol l a yeri ng. P 4. The reason fo r hav ing sev e ral p rot ocol s in a l ay e r i s t o provi de di ff erent ser- vices to t h e upper-lay e r protoco ls.

When we write an application program, we need to first defi ne wh ich transpo rt- layer protoco l is sup posed t o giv e ser- vices t o thi s appli catio n program. No te that thi s does not vio late t he princi ple of layer ind e penden ce. The i ndepen dency of a layer means that we can change a proto c ol i n a lay e r as lo ng as th e new one gives the sa me services as the old one. P 5. The following shows the layers and the flow of data. Note that each host is involved in five layers, each switch in two layers, and each router in three layers.

East coast office. See More. At the destination node P 0. Published on May 21, Go explore.

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Data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download

data communications and networking 5th edition pdf download

Data Communication_and_networking_by_ blogger.coman - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying Retrying Download. Jan 22,  · Data Communications and Networking, 5th Edition PDF Download, Reviews, Read Online, ISBN: , By Behrouz Forouzan | Network Techanican Research and publish the best content. Get Started for FREE.

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